
The philosopher and the painter share the same
problem, namely ‘expressing what exists.”[1]

– Maurice Merleau-Ponty

How is it possible to show something as complex as the multi-layered and mental event that is urban space?  In this final section of the paper, I use practice-led research and a series of experiments to investigate some possibilities for communicating my lived experience of the space.
    If an image relies on memory, representation, and perception to communicate, then all of these characteristics must be taken into consideration when creating them. Images can create paradigm shifts by presenting alternative views to supposed reality. The philosopher Martin Heidegger suggested that artworks have the potential to emancipate consciousness because they demand an imaginative and creative response to living in a world constrained by convention.
    I want to use an artistic approach to explore the representation of urban space and so began my investigation by going through the examples of artworks I had been gathering over the period of the research walks, covering such artists as Bruce Nauman, Richard Long, David Hockney and Mark Dion. I selected examples which both interested me and had communicative potential, I added my thoughts, and I began again with the idea of making a physical thought path starting with the statement that the images/art should make viewers experience the “mental event” as well as the physical space. I added four key words – Movement, Time, Details, and Virtual and began moving the images and concepts, grouping them and considering them as possible jumping-off points to create new types of images. (fig.28)
    Once again, the physical activity of moving the categories and placing the artworks and artists side by side, walking through them and considering them on the ground and from far, and moving them back and forth between the main categories led to interesting results. From these categories, I selected the areas I had the most interest in and created a series of five experiments that covered some of the more prevalent but also more difficult to visualize qualities of the space. The following three chapters discuss these qualities and present the experiments.

[1] Merleau-Ponty, 1964 p.58
