Total distance: 1200 Meters
Time: 11:20 to 12:10 | 50 min
Streets walked: Gärtnerstrasse, Holderstasse, Schlossgasse, Kleinhüningerstrasse, Inselstrasse, Rastatterstrass, Altrheinweg
Photographs: 191
Videos: 2
Objects gathered: 2

This walk was done with my dog friend Wrigley. I started in the usual manner of a dérive but added some additional rules on the walk. I would only stop when Wrigley stopped, and I would allow him to lead the way, deciding at each intersection which way I would go next. I made a point of observing the things that he seemed interested in, which in many cases, were bits of grass growing through the pavement as well as posts, pipes and tree trunks coming out of the ground.
I recorded some narration on this walk using my phones voice recorder, stopping to talk as I walked. I also recorded 2 short videos.

︎Map of Walk

︎All Images
