Total Distance: 450 meters
Time: 11:25 to 11:34 | 9 min
Streets walked: Kleinhüningerstrasse, Klybeckstrasse
Photographs: 5
Videos: 3
Objects gathered: 3
︎Walk Overview
This walk was a planned walk to try and understand how it was to ride a tram through the neighborhood and how it might change the view I had of the buildings and street. I started by standing at the tram stop and waited for the tram to film its arrival. I observed the people waiting for the tram with me and while waiting I gathered some found objects in the bus shelter. I thought the view of the building across the street amid the construction was quite interesting - the dull building color contrasting with the bright red construction barriers. I filmed the tram as it arrived, it blocked the view I had of the building in front of me and replaced it with a flood of green tram and eventually my own reflected image. Finally, the third video below shows me filming in the tram as it was moving and I am sitting on it, thus the final part of my ‘walk’ was on the tram.
It was interesting to see the street from the tram, I was looking from an elevated viewpoint which gave a different aspect to everything and could not hear or sense the urban space as I could if I was walking normally. It was much more insulated. I could overhear the conversations and observe the people on the tram which made the exterior urban space fade into the backgournd as It moved by too quickly to observe in my usual manner.
It was interesting to see the street from the tram, I was looking from an elevated viewpoint which gave a different aspect to everything and could not hear or sense the urban space as I could if I was walking normally. It was much more insulated. I could overhear the conversations and observe the people on the tram which made the exterior urban space fade into the backgournd as It moved by too quickly to observe in my usual manner.
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