︎About ︎Inroduction ︎Research Area[EXHIBITON]
A series of walks I took around Klybeck
︎25.03 ︎31.03 ︎07.04 ︎18.04 ︎07.05 ︎14.05 ︎23.05 ︎16.06Then I wandered through the virtual space of klybeck
︎Virtual Klybeck[EXPLORING]
Some experiments at visualising urban space
︎Movement & Time︎Peripheral & Multi-Perspectival
︎Atmosphere & The Poetic Image
I looked at the characteristics of the urban space.
︎Tactility, Movement & Time︎Details, Layering & Memory
︎Virtual & Unreal
Other research, experiments thoughts and acivities
©Copyright 2019 | Tammy Demelier
Master of Arts in Visual Communication
and Iconic Research /FHNW IVK